CAER Day 2018 


 The Community Awareness Emergency Response Organization, also known as CAER is hosting CAER Day. CAER Day is an opportunity for our industrial partners to come together and showcase emergency response capabilities and readiness . Emergency response suppliers are also invited to network with industry leaders in the field of emergency response.  CAER Day is your opportunity to  see why Ascension Parish is the leader in emergency response preparedness, enjoy lunch with colleagues, and listen to various speakers on industry topics.

When:            Thursday, October 18, 2018

Where:           Lamar Dixon Trademart Building

                           9039 South St. Landry Road

                           Gonzales, LA. 70737

Vendors are also invited for $100 per space and per booth    

Make Checks payable to:                   CAER

                                                       PO Box 2284

                                                       Gonzales, LA 70707

Event includes:

CAER member booths to present company achievements

Outside spaces to display member equipment

Vendor booths and outside spaces to learn about new technology and products.

Lunch provided!

Various speakers throughout the day!


If you have any questions please email:

James Leblanc [email protected]

Chris Browning [email protected]

Shawn Frederic  [email protected]


Register online here

Download Registration forms for CAER members here.

Download Registration forms for non-members here.